4 Rarest Species of Whales

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Beneath the vast expanse of the world’s oceans lies a realm shrouded in mystery, where majestic creatures navigate the depths with grace and power.

Among these awe-inspiring beings, whales reign supreme, captivating our imagination and stirring our curiosity. While some species are well-known and frequently encountered, hidden gems are waiting to be unveiled—rare and elusive creatures that add an air of mystique to our planet’s marine ecosystems. 

In this article, we embark on an exploration of the world’s rarest species of whales. Join us as we delve into the depths and shine a light on these magnificent creatures, revealing their unique characteristics, habitats, and challenges.

4. Western Gray Whale

Population: Approx. 120
Scientific Name: Eschrichtius robustus
Habitat: South China Sea and The Sea of Okhotsk
Length: 43 to 49 ft.
Weight: up to 90,000 lbs.

Western Gray Whalephoto source: Marine Mammal Commission

The Western Gray Whale is a majestic marine mammal that belongs to the baleen whale family. It is characterized by its large size, reaching lengths of 43 to 49 feet and weighing up to 90,000 pounds. Currently, the Western Gray Whale population is estimated to be around 120 individuals, making it one of the most endangered whale species in the world.

These magnificent creatures are primarily found in the South China Sea and the Sea of Okhotsk. The South China Sea is their breeding ground, while the Sea of Okhotsk is their main feeding area. Their migration patterns can span thousands of miles as they travel between these habitats, demonstrating their remarkable endurance.

The Western Gray Whale faces numerous threats, including habitat degradation, pollution, entanglement in fishing gear, and collisions with ships. Efforts are being made to protect and conserve this endangered species by establishing marine protected areas and international cooperation.

Did You Know?

Western Gray Whales are known for their long migrations, with some individuals traveling more than 6,000 miles yearly.

3. North Pacific Right Whale

Population: Less than 50
Scientific Name: Eubalaena japonica
Habitat: North Pacific Ocean
Length: 49 to 60 ft.
Weight: 110,000 to 180,000 lbs.

North Pacific Right Whalephoto source: Wikipedia

The North Pacific Right Whale is a critically endangered species with a population of less than 50 individuals. This majestic creature can be found in the vast expanse of the North Pacific Ocean. It is one of the largest whale species on Earth, ranging from 49 to 60 feet and weighing between 110,000 to 180,000 pounds. Despite its impressive size, the North Pacific Right Whale is known for its gentle nature and slow swimming speed.

Sadly, this magnificent species has faced severe threats from historical commercial whaling, which greatly depleted its population. Today, it continues to be at risk due to entanglement in fishing gear, ship strikes, habitat degradation, and climate change.

Did You Know?

The North Pacific Right Whale is also known for its distinctive V-shaped blow, which is created when it exhales through two blowholes on top of its head.

2. True’s Beaked Whale

Population: Unknown (very rare)
Scientific Name: Mesoplodon mirus
Habitat: North Atlantic, South Atlantic, and Indian Oceans
Length: 15.5 to 17.5 ft.
Weight: 2,200 to 3,000 lbs.

True’s Beaked Whalephoto source: Alchetron

True’s Beaked Whale, scientifically known as Mesoplodon mirus, is a deep-diving cetacean species belonging to the Ziphiidae family. It is named after Frederick W. True, an American mammalogist who first described the species. True’s Beaked Whale has a unique appearance characterized by a long, slender body and a prominent, dolphin-like beak.

This species typically measures around 15 to 17 feet in length, with adult males being slightly larger than females. They can weigh between 2,200 to 3,000 lbs. These elusive whales are primarily found in deep, offshore waters of the North Atlantic Ocean, particularly in areas such as the Gulf Stream and the Bay of Biscay. They have been occasionally sighted in other regions, including the South Atlantic and Indian Oceans.

Due to their deep-sea habitat and infrequent sightings, limited information about their behavior, feeding habits, and population size is available. However, they are believed to feed on squid and deep-sea fish primarily.

Did You Know?

True’s Beaked Whales are known for their remarkable diving abilities, capable of reaching depths of up to 1,400 meters (4,600 feet) and staying submerged for extended periods, sometimes exceeding two hours.

1. Spade-Toothed Whale

Population: Unknown (extremely rare)
Scientific Name: Mesoplodon traversii
Habitat: South Pacific Ocean
Length: 16.4 to 18 ft.
Weight: 3,000 to 5,000 lbs.

Spade-Toothed Whalephoto source: SciTechDaily

The Spade-Toothed Whale is considered the rarest species of whale known to date. Scientifically known as Mesoplodon traversii, it is a rare and enigmatic whale species that belongs to the beaked whale family. The knowledge about this elusive creature is limited, and most of what we know comes from a few recorded sightings and a few specimens that have washed ashore.

The Spade-Toothed Whale has a distinct appearance with a robust body, a slender beak, and a single pair of teeth towards the back of its mouth. It is estimated to reach lengths of around 16 to 18 feet and can weigh up to 3,000 to 5,000 pounds. This species’ coloration and other physical features remain largely unknown due to the scarcity of encounters with live individuals.

Did You Know?

The species’ preference for deep waters and cryptic behavior makes locating and observing in the wild extremely difficult.


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