14 Most Expensive Roses You Can Buy

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Roses have long been cherished for their beauty, fragrance, and symbolism of love and affection. However, some varieties of roses stand out not only for their aesthetic appeal but also for their rarity and exclusivity, commanding premium prices in the floral market. From exquisite hues to unique colorations and captivating fragrances, these roses represent luxury and sophistication. In this list, we explore 14 of the most expensive roses that captivate enthusiasts and collectors alike, each with its own distinctive charm and allure.

Juliet Rose (Scientific Name: Rosa ‘Juliet’)

Image Editorial Credit: Nadiatalent / Wikimedia Commons

The Juliet Rose is often regarded as one of the most expensive roses in the world due to its exquisite beauty and rarity. This David Austin English Rose features large, cupped blooms with over 100 petals and a captivating peach-pink hue. The price of a single Juliet Rose can range from $5 to $15, making it a highly sought-after choice for weddings and special occasions.

Blue Moon Rose (Scientific Name: Rosa ‘Blue Moon’)

Image Editorial Credit: k yamada / Flickr

True blue roses are exceptionally rare in nature, and the Blue Moon Rose is one of the few varieties that comes close to achieving this elusive color. With its enchanting lavender-blue petals and mild fragrance, the Blue Moon Rose is a favorite among rose enthusiasts. A single stem of Blue Moon Rose can cost around $20 to $30, making it a coveted choice for special occasions.

Goldstrike Rose (Scientific Name: Rosa ‘Goldstrike’)

Image Editorial Credit: Pexels

Renowned for its striking golden-yellow blooms and long vase life, the Goldstrike Rose commands a premium price in the floral market. This hybrid tea rose features large, high-centered flowers with a subtle fragrance, making it a popular choice for elegant floral arrangements. A bouquet of Goldstrike Roses can cost upwards of $100, reflecting its rarity and beauty.

Black Baccara Rose (Scientific Name: Rosa ‘Black Baccara’)

Image Editorial Credit: Salicyna / Wikimedia Commons

With its deep, velvety blackish-red petals, the Black Baccara Rose is prized for its dramatic appearance and rich coloration. This hybrid tea rose exudes sophistication and mystery, making it a popular choice for luxury events and romantic gestures. A single stem of Black Baccara Rose can fetch prices ranging from $10 to $20, making it one of the most expensive roses on the market.

Tiffany Rose (Scientific Name: Rosa ‘Tiffany’)

Image Editorial Credit: Malcolm Manners / Flickr

Named after the renowned jewelry brand, the Tiffany Rose is celebrated for its soft, pastel pink petals and classic beauty. This hybrid tea rose features large, high-centered blooms with a delicate fragrance, making it a popular choice for weddings and upscale floral arrangements. A bouquet of Tiffany Roses can cost around $80 to $150, reflecting its elegance and exclusivity.

David Austin Roses

Image Editorial Credit: Mogens Engelund / Wikimedia Commons

David Austin Roses are revered for their old-world charm, exquisite fragrance, and abundance of petals. These English Roses come in a variety of colors and shapes, each with its own unique beauty and appeal. Due to their exceptional quality and popularity, David Austin Roses are often priced higher than other rose varieties, with prices for a bouquet ranging from $80 to $200 or more.

Osiria Rose (Scientific Name: Rosa ‘Osiria’)

Image Editorial Credit: Malcolm Manners / Flickr

The Osiria Rose is renowned for its captivating red and white bicolor blooms, which create a stunning contrast against dark green foliage. This hybrid tea rose has gained widespread popularity for its unique coloration and striking appearance. However, its rarity and demand have driven up prices, with a single stem of Osiria Rose costing around $20 to $30.

Blueberry Hill Rose (Scientific Name: Rosa ‘Blueberry Hill’)

Image Editorial Credit: Captain-tucker / Wikimedia Commons

With its vibrant purple-blue petals and spicy fragrance, the Blueberry Hill Rose is a rare and coveted variety among rose enthusiasts. This floribunda rose produces clusters of blooms that add a pop of color and fragrance to any garden or floral arrangement. Due to its rarity and unique color, a bouquet of Blueberry Hill Roses can cost upwards of $100.

Secret Garden Rose (Scientific Name: Rosa ‘Secret Garden’)

Image Editorial Credit: Pickpik

True to its name, the Secret Garden Rose exudes an air of mystery and enchantment with its delicate pink petals and intoxicating fragrance. This climbing rose variety is prized for its abundance of blooms and graceful appearance, making it a favorite among gardeners and floral designers. A bouquet of Secret Garden Roses can cost around $100 to $200, reflecting its charm and elegance.

Black Magic Rose (Scientific Name: Rosa ‘Black Magic’)

Image Editorial Credit: USAleron / Wikimedia Commons

With its deep, velvety red petals and intense fragrance, the Black Magic Rose exudes passion and allure. This hybrid tea rose is prized for its dramatic appearance and long vase life, making it a popular choice for luxury floral arrangements and romantic gestures. A bouquet of Black Magic Roses can cost upwards of $100, reflecting its rarity and beauty.

Polar Star Rose (Scientific Name: Rosa ‘Polar Star’)

Image Editorial Credit: Aia Ds / Shutterstock.com

The Polar Star Rose is revered for its pristine white petals and delicate fragrance, reminiscent of fresh snowfall. This hybrid tea rose features large, high-centered blooms that exude elegance and purity, making it a popular choice for weddings and formal occasions. Due to its rarity and beauty, a bouquet of Polar Star Roses can cost around $80 to $150.

Chrysler Imperial Rose (Scientific Name: Rosa ‘Chrysler Imperial’)

Image Editorial Credit: Shuvaev / Wikimedia Commons

Named after the iconic luxury car, the Chrysler Imperial Rose is renowned for its rich, deep red petals and classic beauty. This hybrid tea rose features large, velvety blooms with a strong fragrance, making it a favorite among rose enthusiasts and collectors. A bouquet of Chrysler Imperial Roses can cost around $100 to $200, reflecting its timeless elegance and sophistication.

Blue Moon Climbing Rose (Scientific Name: Rosa ‘Blue Moon Climbing’)

Image Editorial Credit: T.Kiya / Wikimedia Commons

The Blue Moon Climbing Rose is a climbing variety known for its enchanting lavender-blue blooms and vigorous growth habit. This floribunda rose produces clusters of fragrant flowers that add a touch of romance and charm to any garden or landscape. Due to its rarity and unique coloration, a bouquet of Blue Moon Climbing Roses can cost upwards of $100.

Moonstone Rose (Scientific Name: Rosa ‘Moonstone’)

Image Editorial Credit: Salicyna / Wikimedia Commons

The Moonstone Rose is prized for its soft, creamy white petals with hints of pink and peach, reminiscent of the glowing hues of a moonstone gem. This hybrid tea rose features large, full-bodied blooms with a delicate fragrance, making it a popular choice for bridal bouquets and romantic arrangements. A bouquet of Moonstone Roses can cost around $80 to $150, reflecting its ethereal beauty and elegance.

Wild Blue Yonder Rose (Scientific Name: Rosa ‘Wild Blue Yonder’)

Image Editorial Credit: David J. Stang / Wikimedia Commons

The Wild Blue Yonder Rose is celebrated for its unique lavender-blue petals and captivating fragrance. This hybrid tea rose features large, high-centered blooms with a subtle hint of mauve, creating a mesmerizing display in the garden or floral arrangements. Due to its rarity and distinctive color, a bouquet of Wild Blue Yonder Roses can cost around $100 to $200, making it a coveted choice for special occasions.

This article originally appeared on Rarest.org.


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