19 Most Haunted Castles in Europe

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Europe is home to some of the most stunning and historically significant castles, many of which are shrouded in ghostly legends and eerie tales. These ancient fortresses, with their dark dungeons, secret passages, and tragic histories, have become hotspots for paranormal enthusiasts and history buffs alike. In this article, we explore 19 of the most haunted castles in Europe, each with its own spine-chilling stories and spectral inhabitants that continue to captivate and intrigue visitors from around the world.

Edinburgh Castle, Scotland

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Edinburgh Castle is one of Scotland’s most famous haunted sites. Perched on Castle Rock, it has been a royal residence and military stronghold for centuries. Reports of ghostly apparitions include the spirits of prisoners taken during the Seven Years’ War, the American Revolutionary War, and even a ghostly piper who vanished in the tunnels beneath the castle. The eerie atmosphere and rich history make Edinburgh Castle a magnet for ghost hunters.

Château de Brissac, France

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The Château de Brissac, also known as the “Giant of the Loire Valley,” is renowned for its haunting beauty and ghostly inhabitants. The most famous specter is La Dame Verte (The Green Lady), believed to be the spirit of Charlotte de Brézé, who was murdered in the castle. Her ghost is often seen roaming the towers in a green dress, her moans echoing through the halls, adding a spine-chilling aspect to this magnificent castle.

Burg Eltz, Germany

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Burg Eltz, nestled in the hills above the Moselle River, is as famous for its medieval architecture as for its ghostly legends. The castle is said to be haunted by the spirit of Agnes, a maiden who died defending her honor. Her ghost, often seen in full armor, is a reminder of the castle’s tumultuous history and the sacrifices made by its inhabitants.

Dragsholm Castle, Denmark

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Dragsholm Castle, dating back to the 13th century, is one of Denmark’s most haunted locations. It is reputedly home to three ghosts: the Grey Lady, the White Lady, and the ghost of Earl of Bothwell, James Hepburn, who was imprisoned and died there. Visitors report strange noises, eerie apparitions, and a chilling atmosphere that speaks to its haunted past.

Leap Castle, Ireland

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Leap Castle, often referred to as the most haunted castle in Ireland, has a gruesome history of betrayal and murder. The castle is notorious for its “Bloody Chapel,” where a brother killed his priest brother during a mass. Numerous spirits, including the terrifying Elemental, a sinister and malevolent force, are said to haunt its dark corridors, making it a hotspot for paranormal enthusiasts.

Bran Castle, Romania

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Bran Castle, famously associated with Dracula, has a rich history intertwined with legends of vampires and ghouls. The castle is said to be haunted by the spirit of Queen Mary, who is believed to have been a vampire. Strange phenomena such as ghostly apparitions and eerie noises contribute to its spine-tingling reputation, attracting thrill-seekers from around the world.

Houska Castle, Czech Republic

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Image Editorial Credit: Photo Nature Travel / Shutterstock

Houska Castle is reputed to be one of the most haunted locations in the Czech Republic. Built over a large hole in the ground that was believed to be a “gateway to Hell,” the castle is said to be haunted by demonic creatures and restless spirits. The eerie silence and uninhabited rooms add to the unsettling atmosphere of this mysterious fortress.

Chillingham Castle, England

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Chillingham Castle in Northumberland is famous for its ghostly residents and spine-chilling tales. The castle’s “Blue Boy” is one of its most famous ghosts, said to appear surrounded by a blue aura. Visitors often report hearing his cries and seeing spectral figures in the castle’s many dark corners, making it a prime destination for those seeking a supernatural experience.

Moosham Castle, Austria

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Moosham Castle, also known as Witches’ Castle, is notorious for its association with witch trials and executions. Many women accused of witchcraft were tortured and killed here, and their restless spirits are said to haunt the castle. Visitors report eerie noises, ghostly apparitions, and a palpable sense of dread, adding to its haunted reputation.

Predjama Castle, Slovenia

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Predjama Castle, built into a cliffside, is as eerie as it is impressive. The castle is said to be haunted by the spirit of Erazem Lueger, a knight who died in a siege. His ghost is often seen wandering the castle grounds, and strange occurrences, such as mysterious lights and unexplained noises, are frequently reported by visitors.

Hunyad Castle, Romania

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Hunyad Castle, also known as Corvin Castle, is one of the largest castles in Europe and is steeped in legend. It is said to be haunted by the spirits of prisoners who were tortured and executed in its dungeons. The most famous ghost is that of Vlad the Impaler, who was imprisoned here. Visitors report seeing ghostly apparitions and hearing unsettling sounds, adding to the castle’s dark allure.

Castle Fraser, Scotland

Image Editorial Credit: Mino Surkala / Shutterstock

Castle Fraser, located in Aberdeenshire, is said to be haunted by the spirit of a young woman who was brutally murdered within its walls. Her ghost is often seen in the castle’s bedrooms and corridors, and visitors report hearing unexplained footsteps and feeling an eerie presence. The castle’s tragic history and ghostly tales make it a fascinating yet chilling destination.

Castle of Bardi, Italy

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The Castle of Bardi, located in the Emilia-Romagna region, is famous for its haunting by the spirit of Moroello, a knight who died in despair after the death of his beloved Soleste. His ghost is said to wander the castle, searching for his lost love. Visitors report seeing his apparition and experiencing a deep sense of melancholy within the castle walls.

Château de Puymartin, France

Image Editorial Credit: Santi Rodriguez / Shutterstock

The Château de Puymartin is reputed to be haunted by the ghost of Thérèse de Saint-Clar, who was imprisoned in the castle’s tower by her husband after being caught in an affair. Her ghost, known as the “White Lady,” is often seen roaming the castle, her sorrowful presence adding a haunting beauty to this historic site.

Berry Pomeroy Castle, England

Image Editorial Credit: Maciej Olszewski / Shutterstock

Berry Pomeroy Castle, located in Devon, is known for its ghostly legends, including the White Lady and the Blue Lady. The White Lady is said to be the spirit of Lady Margaret Pomeroy, who was starved to death by her jealous sister. The Blue Lady is believed to lure people into unsafe parts of the castle. Visitors report eerie sightings and a chilling atmosphere.

Castle of Good Hope, South Africa

Image Editorial Credit: Jan Willem van Hofwegen / Shutterstock

Though not in Europe, the Castle of Good Hope in Cape Town is a historically significant fortress with its own haunted reputation. Ghostly apparitions, including a tall figure seen leaping off the battlements and the spirit of Lady Anne Barnard, are frequently reported. The castle’s dark dungeons and historical significance add to its eerie charm.

Dunnottar Castle, Scotland

Image Editorial Credit: DudeRevolution / Shutterstock

Dunnottar Castle, perched on a cliff overlooking the North Sea, has a long and bloody history. It is said to be haunted by the spirits of those who died in its dungeons and during various sieges. Visitors often report hearing ghostly whispers, feeling cold drafts, and seeing spectral figures wandering the ruins, making it a hauntingly beautiful destination.

Akershus Fortress, Norway

Image Editorial Credit: Nanisimova / Shutterstock

Akershus Fortress, a medieval castle in Oslo, is said to be haunted by several ghosts, including the spirit of a dog named Malcanisen. Legend has it that anyone who sees the ghost dog will die soon after. Other apparitions include a mysterious woman in a long robe. The fortress’s long history and ghostly legends make it a captivating site.

Hohenzollern Castle, Germany

Image Editorial Credit: Viacheslav Lopatin / Shutterstock

Hohenzollern Castle, perched atop Mount Hohenzollern, is said to be haunted by the ghost of the “White Lady,” believed to be Countess Kunigunde von Orlamünde. Visitors report seeing her apparition wandering the halls, along with strange noises and cold spots. The castle’s stunning location and ghostly tales add to its allure.

This article originally appeared on Rarest.org.

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