The 14 Most Expensive Types of Honey and Their Health Benefits

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Honey, often referred to as liquid gold, is not only a natural sweetener but also a treasure trove of health benefits. Among the many varieties available, some honeys stand out for their rarity, unique flavors, and remarkable healing properties, making them some of the most expensive in the world. These premium honeys are prized not just for their taste, but also for their ability to boost immunity, aid digestion, and promote overall well-being. In this article, we explore 14 of the most expensive types of honey and delve into the unique benefits they offer.

Manuka Honey 

Image Editorial Credit: wasanajai/Shutterstock

Originating from New Zealand, Manuka honey is derived from the nectar of the Manuka tree. Known for its high antibacterial activity due to the presence of methylglyoxal, this honey is highly effective in treating wounds, soothing sore throats, and promoting digestive health. The therapeutic properties and scarcity of Manuka honey contribute to its high price, which can reach up to $500 per kilogram.

Royal Honey 

Image Editorial Credit: Thasneem/Shutterstock

Sourced from the forests of Malaysia, Royal honey is famous for its aphrodisiac properties and nutritional benefits. It is used to enhance energy, improve skin health, and support the immune system. The rich, floral taste and health benefits justify its price, which can be as high as $300 per kilogram.

Heather Honey 

Image Editorial Credit: savitskaya iryna/Shutterstock

Produced primarily in the UK and parts of Europe, Heather honey has a strong, aromatic flavor and thick consistency. It is rich in antioxidants and helps reduce inflammation and support heart health. The short blooming season of heather plants limits production, resulting in a price of up to $150 per kilogram.

Sourwood Honey 

Image Editorial Credit: Jen Wolf/Shutterstock

Produced in the Appalachian Mountains of the USA, Sourwood honey is known for its distinctive, spicy-sweet flavor. It is high in antioxidants and can aid digestion and respiratory health. The limited availability of sourwood trees during their bloom period raises its price to about $200 per kilogram.

Leatherwood Honey 

Image Editorial Credit: Shack/ Wikimedia Commons

Leatherwood honey from Tasmania is celebrated for its strong flavor and creamy texture. Rich in antioxidants, it supports immune function and digestive health. The scarcity of leatherwood trees contributes to its price of around $150 per kilogram.

Ulmo Honey 

Image Editorial Credit: Sebastian Larrondo/Shutterstock

Derived from Ulmo tree flowers in Chile, Ulmo honey possesses strong antibacterial properties. It enhances skin health and supports the immune system. Its floral and slightly spicy flavor makes it highly sought after, costing around $150 per kilogram.

Himalayan Honey 

Image Editorial Credit: Apis India/ Wikimedia Commons

Harvested in remote Himalayan regions, this honey is known for its potent health benefits, such as enhancing stamina and improving digestion. It is rich in minerals and antioxidants. The difficult harvesting conditions contribute to its price of up to $200 per kilogram.

Lavender Honey 

Image Editorial Credit: Olena Rudo/Shutterstock

Produced in France and Spain, Lavender honey has a delicate floral aroma and a light, sweet taste. Known for its calming properties, it aids sleep and relaxation. This honey can cost around $100 per kilogram due to limited production and high demand.

Honeydew Honey 

Image Editorial Credit: Kches16414/ Wikimedia Commons

Made from tree sap rather than flower nectar, Honeydew honey is rich in minerals and antioxidants. It has a dark color and a strong, slightly bitter taste. Valued for its ability to support digestive health and respiratory function, it costs about $100 per kilogram.

Clover Honey 

Image Editorial Credit: TanyaLovus/Shutterstock

Commonly produced in the USA, Clover honey has a mild, sweet flavor and versatile uses. It boosts energy, supports heart health, and improves skin conditions. Despite wider availability, premium clover honey can cost around $50 per kilogram due to its quality.

Buckwheat Honey 

Image Editorial Credit: Elzbieta Sekowska/Shutterstock

Buckwheat honey, produced in Eastern Europe and North America, is dark and rich with a strong, molasses-like taste. Packed with antioxidants, it is often used to soothe coughs and support immune function. This honey can cost up to $100 per kilogram.

Acacia Honey 

Image Editorial Credit: CClaude Truong-Ngoc/ Wikimedia Commons

Harvested from acacia tree blossoms, Acacia honey is known for its clear, light appearance and delicate flavor. High in fructose, it is slow to crystallize and supports liver function and digestion. Priced around $150 per kilogram, it is highly valued.

Orange Blossom Honey 

Image Editorial Credit: romana klee/ Flickr

Produced from orange tree blossoms, Orange Blossom honey has a light, citrusy flavor. Known for its anti-inflammatory properties, it promotes relaxation and reduces anxiety. This honey costs about $100 per kilogram.

Eucalyptus Honey 

Image Editorial Credit: ines saraiva/ Wikimedia Commons

Sourced from eucalyptus tree flowers, this honey has a distinctive, slightly medicinal taste. It soothes respiratory issues and supports the immune system. Eucalyptus honey is priced around $80 per kilogram.

This article originally appeared on

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