9 Rarest Patronuses in Harry Potter

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Patronus is one of the most powerful and complex defensive charms in Wizarding World. They are extremely difficult to spell, and even the most qualified wizards often struggle with them. 22 characters in the entire Harry Potter world have mastered the skill of casting this spell.

Two types of Patronuses are there: corporeal and incorporeal. Corporeal Patronuses take definite shape, whereas the incorporeal Patronuses do not have any shape or form.

A corporeal Patronus takes the form of a silvery-white animal, and it helps the wizard to defend against Dementors.

Harry learned to cast corporeal Patronus at the age of 13 from Professor Lupin. In Prisoner of Azkaban, Professor Lupin described the Patronus as ‘a kind of Anti-Dementor – a guardian which acts as a shield between you and the Dementor.’

He further stated that it is ‘a kind of positive force, a projection of the very things that the Dementor feeds upon – hope, happiness, the desire to survive – but it cannot feel despair, as real humans can, so the Dementors can’t hurt it.’

Here we discuss 9 of the rarest Patronuses and their features.

9. Abraxan Winged Horse

Rarity: Rare
Status: Extant
Mortality: Mortal
Ministry of Magic Classification: Beast XX, XXX, or XXXX
Abraxan Winged Horse
photo source: wikia.nocookie.net

Abraxan is an extremely powerful rare possible corporeal form of Patronus charm. It is a gigantic winged horse with red eyes and palomino skin. They have white hair that is used for making potions.

Abraxan horses are difficult to work with and need to be controlled by highly-skilled wizards. They can be very stubborn and often refuse to do as directed. They have a demanding presence, and they always radiate a hopeful vibe.

Did you know?

Abraxan horses are very picky about what they eat and drink. The Abraxan horse bred by the headmistress of Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, Madame Olympe Maxime, drank only single-malt whiskey. Abraxan at the Magical Creatures Reserve did the same. 

8. Dragon

Rarity: Rare
Status: Extant
Mortality: Mortal
Ministry of Magic Classification: Beast XXXXX
photo source: vignette.wikia.nocookie.net

Dragons are giant-winged fire-breathing beasts that were impossible to train or domesticate. They are found worldwide and have the ability to fly.

Chinese Fireball, Common Welsh Green, Hungarian Horntail, Peruvian Vipertooth, Antipodean Opaleye, and Ukrainian Ironbelly are some of the known pure-bred breeds. 

There’s little to no information about the social behavior of this Patronus. They are, in general, highly aggressive and sometimes attack humans without provocation. They are natural leaders and are one of the most feared entities.    

Did you know?

As per the Dragon Breeding for Pleasure and Profit, baby dragons are needed to be fed with a bucket of brandy mixed with chicken blood which works as a replacement for dragon milk.  

7. Fire-Dwelling Salamander

Rarity: Rare
Status: Extant
Mortality: Mortal
Ministry of Magic Classification: Beast XXX
Fire-Dwelling Salamander
photo source: static.wikia.nocookie.net

The Fire-Dwelling Salamander, also known as Fire Salamander is a small scarlet red lizard born out of flames. Fire-dwelling Salamander is a very rare Patronus that can survive until the flame they are born from continue to burn. They can also survive outside the flame for up to six hours if they eat peeper.

The blood of Salamander contains regenerative and curative properties and is used for making various potions.

The Fire-Dwelling Salamander represents resilience- someone who is born and lived under adverse condition and overcomes all the obstacles.     

Did you know?

People with Fire-Dwelling Salamander Patronus are good at handling challenges and stress, and they love how all these make them stronger.   

6. Unicorn

Rarity: Rare
Status: Extant
Mortality: Mortal
Ministry of Magic Classification: Beast XXXX
photo source: static1.srcdn.com

The Unicorn is iconic with magical properties. It is a majestic white horse with a horn. They are closely related to the magic of the Muggle world. It is a rare corporeal form of the Patronus. 

They can move faster than werewolves. Their tail hair is used in wands as cores. They are required to be treated with great respect, but generally, they do not show aggressive traits.

They are considered pure and sacred. To get a unicorn as a Patronus, one needs to have a heart as pure as the creature. 

Did you know?

The Unicorn’s blood grants immortality. However, it is considered a sin, and that person lives a cursed life after drinking the blood of a Unicorn

5. Hippogriff

Rarity: Rare
Status: Extant
Mortality: Mortal
Ministry of Magic Classification: Beast XXXX
photo source: pinimg.com

A Hippogriff is a giant beast with the front half of a giant eagle and the rear half of a horse. Hippogriffs are described as “half horse, half eagle creatures, immensely proud and extremely dangerous.”

Only a witch or a wizard can tame a Hippogriff. Humans must maintain proper etiquette while approaching a Hippogriff. They are intensely proud, so a person should bow in front of them and wait for them to respond before approaching. They must also maintain eye contact all the time without blinking. 

At times they are aggressive and might attack if offended. However, if one can earn their trust, they become fiercely loyal and do everything to protect them. 

Did you know?

There is a very similar magical creature in Harry Potter’s world called Griffin. They have a rear of a lion instead of a horse. 

4. Snowy owl

Rarity: Very rare
Status: Extant
Mortality: Mortal
Ministry of Magic Classification: NA
Snowy owl
photo source: pinimg.com

Snowy Owl is one possible rare corporeal form of Patronus charm. It is ranked as 115th most common Patronus. Three known Snowy Owls are Hedwig, Brodwin, and Temeritus Shank’s owl. However, other than Hedwig, no other Snowy Owls are seen in the Harry Potter series. 

Snowy Owl is protective and fearless. She fiercely protects her nest against all odds and doesn’t even hesitate to fight a wolf. 

Did you know?

A Patronus not only protects its wizard but sometimes it also works as a messenger. For example, Kingsley Shacklebolt used his Patronus to send a warning to the Order of the Phoenix.    

3. Runespoor

Rarity: Very rare
Status: Extant
Mortality: Mortal
Ministry of Magic Classification: Beast XXXX
photo source: pm1.narvii.com

Runespoor is a three-headed snake with magical powers. The three heads serve three different purposes. The right head helps Runespoor to plan its actions; with this head, it decides where to go and what to do next. The middle one is for dreaming. Runespoor remains in one place for days, lost in imagination. The other head is a critic. It evaluates the effort of the other two heads.

Runespoor is highly venomous and produces eggs through its mouth. The eggs can stimulate mental agility and are used for making potions. 

Did you know?

The form of a Patronus can be changed and influenced by the life and personality of a wizard or witch. For example, when Tonk met Lupin, her Patronus was changed into a wolf.   

2. Thestral

Rarity: Extremely rare
Status: Extant
Mortality: Mortal
Ministry of Magic Classification: Beast XXXX
photo source: patronusmeaning-blog.tumblr.com

The Thestral is known to be the second rarest Patronus in Harry Potter’s universe. It is a breed of winged horse that has a skeletal body and reptilian face. It also has a pair of leathery wings like that of a bat. They have a spooky and somewhat disturbing appearance.  

Thestrals are visible to only those wizards who have witnessed death. Thus, a Threstal is seen as a bad omen. Thestrals are highly aggressive, and only experienced wizards can handle them. It is illegal to breed and own a Threstal without permission from the Ministry.

They are social creatures and live in herds. Domesticated Threstals are loyal to their owners and protect them by attacking their enemies. 

Did you know?

Only an unusual individual can produce a Thestral Patronus. It is most commonly found in Hufflepuff. 

1. Albatross

Rarity: Extremely rare
Status: Extant
Mortality: Mortal
Ministry of Magic Classification: NA
photo source: tumblr.com

The Albatross is the rarest Patronus owned by the smallest number of people. It is a species of bird that symbolizes good luck. It has the longest wingspan among birds (up to 11 feet) and can surf the ocean winds for hours without flapping.

One who owns an Albatross Patronus is a carefree person who is optimistic, ambitious, and fearless. The bird represents happiness and freedom and can be owned by someone who is truly powerful.

They are highly dependable and have a calming personality, and always try to bring good fortune to the lives of the people around them.

Did you know?

Expert witches and wizards can sometimes create multiple Patronuses. In Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Professor McGonagall sent three Patronuses to warn the heads of the Hogwarts Houses.   


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