10 Forgotten Movie Props Now Worth a Fortune

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Movie props have a way of becoming iconic, often just as famous as the characters who use them. Over time, these forgotten items can skyrocket in value, turning into coveted treasures for collectors. From costumes to cars, some props now fetch incredible prices at auctions. Here are some of the most sought-after movie props that are now worth a fortune.

DeLorean from Back to the Future

Image Editorial Credit: Sue Thatcher / Shutterstock.com

The DeLorean used in Back to the Future is an iconic piece of cinematic history, but the car itself was once a forgotten relic. Originally a commercial failure, it was discontinued in the early 1980s, only to become famous through the time-traveling exploits of Marty McFly. For years after the movie, many of the prop cars used in the film were left to decay or sold off cheaply. Today, these vehicles fetch massive sums at auction due to their unique blend of nostalgia and rarity. One original DeLorean from the film was sold for a jaw-dropping $541,000. 

The Maltese Falcon Statue from The Maltese Falcon

Image Editorial Credit: Rob Corder / Flickr


The Maltese Falcon prop, used in the 1941 Humphrey Bogart classic, is one of the most valuable movie artifacts. Initially overlooked after the film’s release, the statue was a simple studio prop made of plaster. Over time, its significance grew as The Maltese Falcon became a beloved film noir. Only a few statues were created for production, and many went missing or were damaged. In recent years, one original plaster model sold at auction for over $4 million, a massive leap from its humble origins. 

Dorothy’s Ruby Slippers from The Wizard of Oz

Judy Garland’s Ruby Slippers
Image Editorial Credit: pop culture geek / Wikimedia Commons

The ruby slippers worn by Judy Garland in The Wizard of Oz were once considered a routine prop. After filming, multiple pairs were used for promotions or given away, with little attention paid to their future worth. For decades, several pairs of these slippers were lost, forgotten in attics or stolen. Today, they are among the most valuable movie memorabilia, with one pair fetching $2 million at auction. The slippers are a symbol of Hollywood’s golden age, and their shimmering design only adds to their allure.

The T-Rex Model from Jurassic Park

Image Editorial Credit: Nick Nguyen from San Jose, CA, USA / Wikimedia Commons

The T-Rex model used in Jurassic Park was a groundbreaking piece of animatronic technology, but once filming wrapped, the prop was largely abandoned. Stored away, many of the original dinosaur models deteriorated over time due to their fragile construction. With the resurgence of Jurassic Park‘s popularity and nostalgia for the film, these once-forgotten props have become incredibly valuable. One original T-Rex head was sold at auction for over $100,000. The craftsmanship and innovation that went into the creation of these models are now highly appreciated by collectors.

The Batpod from The Dark Knight

Image Editorial Credit: Gavatron / Wikimedia Commons

The Batpod, used by Christian Bale’s Batman in The Dark Knight, was an impressive piece of film technology, but it was one of many vehicles built for the movie. After filming, the prop was largely forgotten as newer iterations of the superhero’s gadgets took center stage. However, as the film became a modern classic, interest in the Batpod grew. One of the original motorcycles used in the film sold for $400,000 at auction. This once-overlooked vehicle is now a symbol of the film’s gritty action scenes and has become a collector’s dream.

Wilson the Volleyball from Cast Away

Image Editorial Credit: Horizon_Illustration / Shutterstock

The volleyball named Wilson, featured in Cast Away, is one of the simplest yet most emotional props in film history. After filming, many of the volleyballs used in production were forgotten or discarded. However, as the film gained a cult following, it became an unlikely symbol of companionship and isolation. Today, one of the original volleyballs was sold for over $80,000. Forgotten for years, Wilson is now seen as a key piece of cinema history.

Marilyn Monroe’s Subway Dress from The Seven Year Itch

Image Editorial Credit: SunOfErat /Author pop culture geek from Los Angeles, CA, USA / Wikimedia Commons

Marilyn Monroe’s white dress from The Seven Year Itch is one of the most iconic pieces of wardrobe in film history. However, after filming, the dress was largely forgotten, stored away in costume departments. Over time, as the American actress and model’s legacy grew, so did interest in the dress. In 2011, the original garment sold for a staggering $4.6 million at auction. Its association with her famous subway grate scene has made it an emblem of Hollywood glamor.

The Golden Gun from The Man with the Golden Gun

Image Editorial Credit: mrgarethm / Wikimedia Commons

The Golden Gun, used by Christopher Lee in the James Bond film The Man with the Golden Gun, was an iconic weapon, but after the movie, it was forgotten. Many props from 007 films were discarded or misplaced over the years, and the Golden Gun was no exception. However, as the movie’s fans and collectors started to seek out memorabilia, the gun gained renewed interest. The original prop gun was sold at auction for $106,000. The forgotten prop is now a cherished piece for any Bond enthusiast.

Indiana Jones’ Whip from Raiders of the Lost Ark

Image Editorial Credit: Maximin Stock / Shutterstock.com

Indiana Jones’ bullwhip is one of the most recognizable props in cinema, but it wasn’t always seen as valuable. After the filming of Raiders of the Lost Ark, several whips used by Harrison Ford were left to gather dust in storage. With the rise of Indiana Jones’ global appeal, those same whips have now become some of the most expensive props on the market. One whip used in the film was auctioned off for over $100,000. It serves as a reminder of how props can evolve from functional pieces to treasured relics.

Captain America’s Shield from Captain America: The First Avenger

Image Editorial Credit: Hethers / Shutterstock.com

Captain America’s shield is one of the most recognizable symbols in the Marvel Universe, but the original shield used in The First Avenger was largely forgotten after filming. As newer versions of the shield were introduced in later films, the first version faded into obscurity. However, with the growing success of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the original shield has become a coveted item. One of the original shields used by Chris Evans was auctioned for $250,000. It serves as a reminder of the humble beginnings of one of the biggest franchises in film history.

This article originally appeared on Rarest.org.

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