17 Most Coveted Exotic Amphibians for Pet Owners

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Amphibians make fascinating pets with their unique appearances and behaviors. They are diverse, ranging from brightly colored frogs to uniquely shaped salamanders. Exotic amphibians are especially appealing to pet owners who appreciate their rarity and beauty. In this article, we explore some of the most coveted exotic amphibians for pet enthusiasts. Each amphibian has its own charm and requirements, making them a special addition to any collection.


Image Editorial Credit: Yarrrrrbright / Shutterstock

Axolotls are aquatic salamanders known for their unique appearance and regenerative abilities. They have feathery external gills, a wide head, and a mouth that looks like a perpetual smile. Axolotls come in various colors, including white, black, and golden. They are relatively easy to care for, needing a clean, cool water environment and a balanced diet of worms and small fish. Axolotls are fascinating due to their ability to regrow limbs, making them a popular choice among exotic pet owners. The cost of owning an Axolotl ranges from $30 to $100, depending on the color and breeder.

Poison Dart Frog

Poison Dart Frog
Image Editorial Credit: Dirk Ercken / Shutterstock

Poison Dart Frogs are small, brightly colored amphibians native to Central and South America. Their vivid colors serve as a warning to predators about their toxicity. These frogs come in a variety of hues, including blue, yellow, green, and red. Despite their toxic nature in the wild, captive-bred Poison Dart Frogs are safe to handle, as they do not produce toxins when fed a non-native diet. The price typically ranges from $40 to $80.

Red-Eyed Tree Frog

Red-Eyed Tree Frog
Image Editorial Credit: BBA Photography / Shutterstock

Red-Eyed Tree Frogs are iconic for their bright red eyes and vibrant green bodies. These frogs also feature blue and yellow stripes on their sides, adding to their striking appearance. Native to Central America, they thrive in humid, tropical environments. Red-Eyed Tree Frogs are nocturnal, becoming active at night and resting during the day. They are arboreal, preferring to live in the trees, which should be replicated in their terrarium setup with plenty of climbing branches and foliage. The cost of a Red-Eyed Tree Frog is typically between $25 and $50.

Pacman Frog

Pacman Frog
Image Editorial Credit: Dirk Ercken / Shutterstock

Pacman Frogs are named for their large mouths and voracious appetites, resembling the video game character. They have a round, stout body with prominent eyes and come in various colors, including green, brown, and albino. Native to South America, they are terrestrial and prefer a humid environment with a substrate they can burrow into. Pacman Frogs are ambush predators, often sitting still and waiting for prey to come close before snapping them up. They are known for their low activity levels, spending much of their time partially buried. The price ranges from $20 to $40.

African Bullfrog

African Bullfrog
Image Editorial Credit: Milan Zygmunt / Shutterstock

African Bullfrogs are large, robust frogs known for their impressive size and distinctive appearance. Males can reach up to 9 inches in length and are often larger than females. These frogs have a green to olive coloration with a lighter underbelly. Native to sub-Saharan Africa, they thrive in both dry and wet conditions, often burrowing to escape extreme weather. African Bullfrogs are known for their loud, deep calls and aggressive feeding behavior. Their imposing presence and longevity add to their value among enthusiasts. The cost of an African Bullfrog ranges from $25 to $75.

Fire-Bellied Toad

Fire-Bellied Toad
Image Editorial Credit: reptiles4all / Shutterstock

Fire-Bellied Toads are small, brightly colored amphibians with distinctive red or orange bellies contrasted against green and black backs. These colors serve as a warning to predators about their mild toxicity. Native to parts of Asia, they prefer a semi-aquatic environment with both land and water areas. Fire-Bellied Toads are active and social, often thriving in groups. Their bold colors and active nature make them a favorite among pet owners. The price of a Fire-Bellied Toad typically ranges from $10 to $25.

White’s Tree Frog (Dumpy Tree Frog)

White's Tree Frog (Dumpy Tree Frog)
Image Editorial Credit: Hwe Ie / Shutterstock

White’s Tree Frogs, also known as Dumpy Tree Frogs, are robust and adaptable amphibians. They have a smooth, green to blue-green skin and a characteristic chubby appearance. Native to Australia and New Guinea, they are known for their calm demeanor and ability to adapt to various environments. White’s Tree Frogs are nocturnal and arboreal, requiring a terrarium with plenty of climbing opportunities and high humidity. They are known for their long lifespan, sometimes living up to 20 years in captivity. The cost of a White’s Tree Frog ranges from $20 to $50.

Tomato Frog

Tomato Frog
Image Editorial Credit: Krisda Ponchaipulltawee / Shutterstock

Tomato Frogs are named for their bright red or orange coloration, resembling a ripe tomato. Native to Madagascar, these frogs are terrestrial and prefer a humid environment with plenty of hiding spots. They have a stout body and a unique defensive mechanism: when threatened, they secrete a sticky substance that can deter predators. Tomato Frogs are relatively sedentary, often spending much of their time buried in the substrate. Their care involves a terrarium with a moist substrate and a diet of insects. The price is typically between $20 and $50.

Budgett’s Frog

Budgett's Frog
Image Editorial Credit: tanya.asfir / Shutterstock

Budgett’s Frogs, also known as Hippo Frogs, have a unique appearance with their wide, flat bodies and large mouths. Native to South America, they prefer a semi-aquatic environment with both water and land areas. These frogs are known for their aggressive feeding behavior, often consuming prey almost as large as themselves. Budgett’s Frogs have a grayish-brown color that helps them blend into their muddy habitats. Budgett’s Frogs are relatively easy to care for but require careful feeding due to their aggressive nature. They are known for their vocalizations, often producing loud, distinctive calls. The price of a Budgett’s Frog typically ranges from $40 to $75.

Vietnamese Mossy Frog

Vietnamese Mossy Frog
Image Editorial Credit: davemhuntphotography / Shutterstock

Vietnamese Mossy Frogs are known for their incredible camouflage. Their skin mimics moss and lichen, helping them blend into their surroundings. Native to Vietnam, they thrive in humid, tropical environments. These frogs have rough, green and black skin, making them look like moss-covered rocks. They are nocturnal and prefer to hide during the day, becoming active at night. Caring for them involves maintaining high humidity and providing a variety of hiding spots. They feed on insects like crickets and worms. Their price ranges from $40 to $75, depending on the breeder and availability.

Waxy Monkey Tree Frog

Waxy Monkey Tree Frog
Image Editorial Credit: Cathy Keifer / Shutterstock

Waxy Monkey Tree Frogs have a distinctive appearance with smooth, green skin and long limbs. Native to South America, they are known for their waxy secretion, which protects them from dehydration. These frogs are arboreal and spend much of their time in trees. They have a unique behavior of walking rather than hopping, using their limbs like a monkey. Their care requires a tall terrarium with plenty of branches for climbing. The cost of owning one typically ranges from $50 to $100.

Tiger Leg Monkey Tree Frog

Tiger Leg Monkey Tree Frog
Image Editorial Credit: Dirk Ercken / Shutterstock

Tiger Leg Monkey Tree Frogs are known for their striking colors and patterns. They have bright orange legs with black stripes, resembling a tiger. Native to South America, they thrive in humid, tropical environments. These frogs are arboreal and nocturnal, spending their days hidden in foliage and becoming active at night. Tiger Leg Monkey Tree Frogs are relatively easy to care for if their environmental needs are met. Their vivid colors and active behavior make them a captivating pet. The price of a Tiger Leg Monkey Tree Frog typically ranges from $50 to $90.

Amazon Milk Frog

Amazon Milk Frog
Image Editorial Credit: Kurit afshen / Shutterstock

Amazon Milk Frogs are named for the milky secretion they produce when stressed. They have smooth, gray skin with distinctive white markings. Native to the Amazon Rainforest, they thrive in humid environments with plenty of vegetation. These frogs are arboreal and nocturnal, preferring to climb and hide among the leaves. Their care requires a tall terrarium with high humidity and ample climbing opportunities. They need a diet of insects, such as crickets and flies. Amazon Milk Frogs are known for their calm demeanor and adaptability. The cost of an Amazon Milk Frog ranges from $40 to $80.

Surinam Horned Frog

Surinam Horned Frog
Image Editorial Credit: Peterpancake / Shutterstock

Surinam Horned Frogs are known for their large size and horn-like projections above their eyes. They have a robust body with green and brown coloration that helps them blend into their environment. Native to South America, they prefer a humid, tropical habitat. These frogs are ambush predators, often burying themselves in the substrate to catch prey. Surinam Horned Frogs are relatively easy to care for but require careful handling due to their aggressive nature. Their unique appearance and feeding habits make them a fascinating pet. The price of a Surinam Horned Frog typically ranges from $30 to $60.

Solomon Island Leaf Frog

Solomon Island Leaf Frog
Image Editorial Credit: reptiles4all / Shutterstock

Solomon Island Leaf Frogs have a distinctive leaf-like appearance, with brown and green coloration that helps them blend into their surroundings. Native to the Solomon Islands, they thrive in humid, tropical environments. These frogs are arboreal and nocturnal, preferring to hide among leaves during the day and becoming active at night. Solomon Island Leaf Frogs are relatively easy to care for if their environmental needs are met. Their unique appearance and interesting behavior make them a captivating pet. The cost of a Solomon Island Leaf Frog ranges from $40 to $80.

Golden Mantella

Image Editorial Credit: Swaroop Pixs / Shutterstock

Golden Mantellas are small, brightly colored frogs native to Madagascar. They have vivid yellow or orange skin, which serves as a warning to predators about their toxicity. These frogs thrive in humid, tropical environments and are known for their active and social behavior. Golden Mantellas are diurnal, making them active during the day and providing plenty of opportunities for observation. Golden Mantellas are relatively easy to care for if their environmental needs are met. The cost of a Golden Mantella typically ranges from $30 to $50.

Green and Black Poison Dart Frog

Green and Black Poison Dart Frog
Image Editorial Credit: Jeroen Mikkers / Shutterstock

Green and Black Poison Dart Frogs are known for their striking green and black coloration. Native to Central and South America, these frogs thrive in humid, tropical environments. Their vivid colors serve as a warning to predators about their toxicity. In captivity, they are safe to handle as they do not produce toxins when fed a non-native diet. Their care involves maintaining high humidity and providing plenty of foliage in their terrarium. They feed on a diet of small insects like fruit flies and pinhead crickets. Green and Black Poison Dart Frogs are active during the day, offering ample opportunities for observation. The price of a Green and Black Poison Dart Frog typically ranges from $40 to $80.

This article originally appeared on Rarest.org.

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