14 Legendary Animals from Myth and Folklore

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Legends and folklore have long captivated our imaginations with tales of extraordinary creatures. These legendary animals are more than just myths; they embody the fears, hopes, and wonders of ancient cultures. Let’s delve into the fascinating world of these legendary animals.


phoenix animal
Image Editorial Credit: Farac / Shutterstock

The Phoenix is a legendary bird symbolizing rebirth and immortality. Known for its vibrant plumage, it is said to burst into flames at the end of its life cycle. From its ashes, a new Phoenix rises, continuing the cycle of life. This myth originates from ancient Egyptian and Greek mythology. Often associated with the sun, the Phoenix embodies renewal and the eternal cycle of life.


Griffin animal
Image Editorial Credit: Declan Hillman / Shutterstock

The Griffin is a mythical creature with the body of a lion and the head and wings of an eagle. It was believed to be a powerful guardian of treasures and priceless possessions. Griffins are often depicted as noble and strong, representing both courage and strength. This creature has been a part of many ancient cultures, including Greek and Persian mythology. Its dual nature symbolizes the union of earthly and divine qualities.


Kraken animal
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The Kraken is a monstrous sea creature from Norse mythology, feared by sailors for its immense size and power. Described as a giant octopus or squid, it was said to drag entire ships to the ocean’s depths. Tales of the Kraken were likely inspired by sightings of large sea creatures like the giant squid. Despite its terrifying reputation, the Kraken has become a symbol of the mysterious and untamed sea.


Chimera animal
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The Chimera is a fearsome creature from Greek mythology, known for its hybrid body. It has the head of a lion, the body of a goat, and the tail of a serpent. Breathing fire, the Chimera was a deadly force in ancient tales. It was eventually slain by the hero Bellerophon, who rode the winged horse Pegasus. The Chimera represents the dangers of wild imagination and the blending of different creatures into one terrifying beast.


Image Editorial Credit: Friedrich-Johann-Justin-Bertuch / Wikimedia Commons

Dragons are legendary creatures found in various cultures worldwide, often depicted as large, serpentine, fire-breathing beasts. In European folklore, dragons are seen as fearsome guardians of treasure, symbolizing chaos and destruction. In contrast, Chinese dragons are benevolent and wise, symbolizing power, strength, and good fortune. These creatures have inspired countless stories, symbolizing both fear and fascination with the unknown.


Image Editorial Credit: Pearson Scott Foresman / Wikimedia Commons

The Unicorn is a mythical creature often depicted as a horse with a single, spiraling horn on its forehead. It symbolizes purity, grace, and beauty in Western mythology. Unicorns were believed to possess magical healing powers, particularly in their horns. Ancient stories often describe them as elusive, only appearing to the pure-hearted. The Unicorn’s enduring allure lies in its association with mystery and unattainable perfection.


Basilisk King of Serpents
Image Editorial Credit: mspoint / Shutterstock

The Basilisk is a legendary serpent from European mythology, often described as the “King of Serpents.” It was believed to be so venomous that its mere gaze could kill. Stories of the Basilisk often depict it as a small snake or lizard with a deadly power. In medieval times, it was feared as a symbol of death and destruction. The Basilisk’s legend highlights the terrifying power of something small yet deadly.


Minotaur animal
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The Minotaur is a creature from Greek mythology with the body of a man and the head of a bull. It was kept in the labyrinth on the island of Crete, where it devoured those who entered. The Minotaur was eventually slain by the hero Theseus, who navigated the labyrinth with the help of Ariadne’s thread. The Minotaur represents the primal fears of the unknown and the struggle between civilization and savagery.


Image Editorial Credit: insima / Shutterstock

Cerberus is the fearsome three-headed dog from Greek mythology that guards the entrance to the underworld. With serpents coiled around its neck and a tail of a deadly snake, Cerberus is a symbol of the boundary between life and death. It allows the dead to enter but ensures none can leave. Despite its terrifying appearance, it serves a crucial role in maintaining order in the afterlife. The hero Heracles famously subdued Cerberus as one of his Twelve Labors, showcasing the creature’s significance in ancient tales.


Thunderbird animal
Image Editorial Credit: HitToon / Shutterstock

The Thunderbird is a powerful and revered creature in Native American folklore, symbolizing strength and protection. Said to dwell in the skies, it creates thunder and lightning with the beating of its enormous wings. Thunderbirds are often depicted as large, bird-like beings with a fearsome presence. They are seen as protectors of the people, controlling the elements and punishing wrongdoers. The Thunderbird’s legend reflects the deep connection between indigenous cultures and the natural world.


Image Editorial Credit: JoeyWhisperz / Wikimedia Commons

Leviathan is a monstrous sea serpent from biblical and Jewish mythology, representing chaos and destruction. Often depicted as an enormous, multi-headed beast, it is said to dwell in the depths of the ocean. Leviathan is a symbol of the uncontrollable forces of nature, embodying the fears of the unknown sea. In some tales, it is destined to be slain at the end of time, symbolizing the triumph of order over chaos. This creature’s legend has influenced many later depictions of sea monsters in Western culture.


Image Editorial Credit: Catmando / Shutterstock

Pegasus is the winged horse from Greek mythology, born from the blood of Medusa after she was slain by Perseus. Known for its majestic wings and graceful flight, Pegasus symbolizes freedom and divine inspiration. It was tamed by the hero Bellerophon, who rode it to defeat the Chimera. Pegasus eventually became a constellation, a testament to its enduring legacy. The image of Pegasus soaring through the sky has inspired countless works of art and literature.


Image Editorial Credit: Daniel Eskridge / Shutterstock

The Manticore is a fearsome creature from Persian and later medieval European mythology, with the body of a lion, the face of a human, and a tail tipped with venomous spines. It is said to devour its victims whole, leaving no trace behind. The Manticore’s combination of human intelligence and animal savagery made it a symbol of the unknown dangers lurking in distant lands. Often depicted in medieval bestiaries, it represents the blend of fascination and fear of the exotic and unfamiliar.


Image Editorial Credit: Vac1 / Shutterstock

The Yeti, also known as the Abominable Snowman, is a legendary creature said to inhabit the Himalayan mountains. Described as a large, ape-like being covered in white or gray fur, it is believed to roam the snowy peaks and forests. Sightings of the Yeti have been reported by locals and explorers, though evidence remains elusive. The Yeti symbolizes the mystery of the unexplored wilderness and the enduring human fascination with hidden creatures. Its legend persists in both folklore and popular culture, often linked to the search for the unknown.

This article originally appeared on Rarest.org.

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