9 Ferret Varieties from Common to Rare

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Ferrets come in many fascinating varieties, each with its own unique traits and characteristics. These playful and curious animals can be found in a wide range of coat colors and patterns, from common shades to rarer, more exotic types. Understanding these different varieties can help prospective ferret owners choose the right companion and appreciate the diversity within the species. Here’s a closer look at some of the varieties and what makes them special.

Chocolate Ferret

Chocolate Ferret
Image Editorial Credit: Sergei Avdeev / Shutterstock

Chocolate ferrets are known for their rich, brown fur. Their coats can vary from a light milk chocolate to a darker shade, giving them a distinctive and appealing appearance. These ferrets often have a lighter undercoat and a matching brown nose, which adds to their charm. They are playful, affectionate, and enjoy interacting with their human companions. The population of chocolate ferrets is quite large. They are commonly bred and are readily available in many pet stores and ferret breeders. Their friendly and easy-going nature makes them a favorite among ferret enthusiasts. Due to their abundance, they are often one of the first choices for new ferret owners.

Cinnamon Ferret

Cinnamon Ferret
Image Editorial Credit: Couperfield / Shutterstock

Cinnamon ferrets have a lovely reddish-brown coat that resembles the color of cinnamon spice. This unique color gives them a warm and inviting look. Their eyes are typically a matching brown or sometimes a striking red, and their nose is usually a pinkish-brown hue. These ferrets are known for their lively and curious nature. Cinnamon ferrets are also quite common. They are frequently bred and sold as pets due to their appealing color and gentle demeanor. Their population is stable, making them easy to find in pet stores and from breeders. 

Black Sable Ferret

Black Sable Ferret
Image Editorial Credit: Julie Gaia / Shutterstock

Black sable ferrets boast a striking dark coat that is deep black with a glossy sheen. This ferret variety often has a mask-like pattern on their face, with dark eyes that add to their mysterious and captivating look. They are known for their lively and energetic behavior, making them entertaining pets. The population of black sable ferrets is high. They are widely available in the pet market, and their stunning appearance is very appealing to ferret enthusiasts. These ferrets are popular for their beauty and are often chosen by those who appreciate their sleek, dark coats and engaging personalities.

Dark-Eyed White Ferret

Dark-Eyed White Ferret
Image Editorial Credit: Couperfield / Shutterstock

Dark-eyed white ferrets are unique with their snowy white fur, which contrasts beautifully with their deep, dark eyes. This combination gives them a striking and elegant look. Their pink noses and ears add a delicate touch to their overall appearance. These ferrets are known for their gentle and calm demeanor. These ferrets are common in many regions. Their population is stable and robust, making them easy to find in pet stores and through breeders. Dark-eyed white ferrets are popular as pets due to their striking appearance and friendly nature. Their unique look often makes them stand out among other ferret varieties.

Blaze Ferret

Blaze Ferret
Image Editorial Credit: Stephanie’screativeImages / Shutterstock

Blaze ferrets are known for their distinct and striking markings. They have a white stripe that runs from the top of their head down to their neck. Their fur can come in a variety of colors, but the blaze pattern is what sets them apart. They often have mitts, or white feet, and a white tip on their tail. Blaze ferrets are moderately rare. They are not as common as some other ferret varieties but can still be found in many ferret enthusiasts’ homes. Their unique appearance and playful nature make them highly sought after.

Panda Ferret

Panda Ferret
Image Editorial Credit: Couperfield / Shutterstock

Panda ferrets boast a unique black and white coloration reminiscent of a panda bear. Their faces typically have a white mask, while their bodies have contrasting patches of black and white. This striking appearance is one of their most defining features. Panda ferrets are moderately rare. While they are more common than some of the rarer varieties, they are not as easily found as the more common types. Their distinctive look and friendly disposition make them a popular choice among ferret owners.

Angora Ferret

Angora Ferret
Image Editorial Credit: Couperfield / Shutterstock

Angora ferrets are known for their long, flowing fur, which gives them a luxurious and elegant appearance. Their coats are soft and require regular grooming to maintain their beauty and health. These ferrets are gentle and affectionate, making them excellent companions for those who appreciate their unique look. Angora ferrets are also considered rare, with limited numbers available in the pet trade. There are only a few breeders who specialize in this variety, partly due to the specific care requirements of their long coats.

Badger Ferret

Badger Ferret
Image Editorial Credit: Michal Sloviak / Shutterstock

Badger Ferrets are known for their distinct facial markings. They have a white face with dark stripes, resembling a badger. This striking pattern sets them apart from other ferrets. The Badger Ferret population is very limited. They are not commonly bred. Their unique markings are difficult to produce. This rarity makes them a unique addition to any ferret collection.

Black-Footed Ferret

Black-footed Ferret
Image Editorial Credit: Kerry Hargrove / Shutterstock

Black-Footed Ferrets have distinctive black feet and a mask-like face. They are the rarest ferret species. Originally native to North America, they have a storied history. The population of Black-Footed Ferrets is critically low. They are rarely found in the wild. Captive breeding programs are the main source of their population. This rarity makes them incredibly special.

This article originally appeared on Rarest.org.

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